sixnine is a multi-disciplinary creative studio working in content production and brand building. We combine experience, creativity and culture to create meaningful connections between people and brands.


What We Do?

Content Production.
From photography to movie making.
From typography to motion design.
From briefing to post.

Concept & Strategy
From start to finish.
From print to social media.
From research to report.

Branding & Design
From logo to identity.
From sketch to final.
From heart to heart.

How We Do It?

We believe that the perfect formula to good communication is like a good ramen recipe.

First of all you need an authentic and unique story to form a good foundation, the perfect broth. And it’s absolutely fine if it’s not everyone’s taste – as long as you like it and believe in it.

Approaching a complex dish like a ramen demands for a clear, well-thought plan. A holistic and purposeful concept, if you will.

And obviously your 100th ramen will be better than the first. Experience is a crucial ingredient. So is a well-trained technique, cultural knowledge and proper equipment.

Finish everything off with a pinch of Zeitgeist and intuition for style and trends. There you go – tasty, right?

Why We Do It?

It is our belief that people do not work with us for what we do – but for why we do it. It is our biggest motivation to create positive experiences with every touching point. A striking image that captivates your eye, a beautiful movie with a thrilling story, a surprising visual – you name it.

Those experiences will have a significant impact on how your brand and your product will be perceived. Therefore let’s make them count and establish a sustainable relationship to your audience.



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