
Creative Director, Photographer, Traveller. DJ. Sneaker Collector.

Do not hesitate to contact if you have some project in mind. 


Hi, I am Mario – Creative Director, Photographer and a Jack of all trades in many creative fields. In the last years I had the luck to combine my passion for sneakers and streetwear with my passionate profession. 

In the last almost 20 years I worked in a variety of disciplines for small businesses to international companies. From agencies to freelance work. From prestigious global players to small streetwear brands. From classic print and art direction to urban and contemporary motion design and photography.

But one thing is always the same: You cannot beat a strong idea and a impressive visual approach.

»Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.« Thomas Alva Edison

Selected Career Stages.

2017–2019: Head of Marketing @ solebox
2013–2017: Art Director @ 43einhalb
Art Director @ ammarkt, CH

Brands & Clients.

adidas . BASF . Christ . Coop . Credit Suisse . Foot Locker . Hypobank . Licher . New Balance . Nike . Reebok . RWE . SAP . Sneaker Freaker . Snipes . Sport Scheck


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